

Present graduate students:

  • Natália Vila Nova Rodrigues (Ph.D.) - Machine Learning Methods in Astrophysics; quasar classification; cosmology with quasares
  • Ian Lucas Tashiro (Ph.D.) - Angular power spectrum techniques applied to large-scale structures and multi-tracer extensions
  • João Lucas Dinarte Ferri (Ph.D.) - The Fisher matrix for large-scale structure on the past lightcone: angular power spectrum and redshift-space distortions
  • Victor Roberto Soares da Silva (Master) - Cosmology with Lyman-alpha systems: mocks and cosmological hydrodynamical simulations
  • Mateus Franca Giordano (Master) - Large-scale structures with the first J-PAS data


Present undergraduate students:

  • Robert V. Bordoni - Galaxy and quasar maps with the S-PLUS survey


Former graduate students:

  • Natalí S. M. de Santi (Ph.D.: 2024; Natalí is starting a post-doc at U. California/Berkeley in 2025)
  • Caroline Macedo Guandalin (Ph.D.: 2021; Caroline was a post-doc at Queen Mary U. and is now a post-doc at the U. of Edinburgh)
  • Beatriz Tucci Schiewaldt (M.Sc.: 2021; Beatriz was a Ph.D. student at the Max Planck Institute in Garching, Germany, and will start a post-doc in Stanford in 2025)
  • Thiago M. Mergulhão (M.Sc.: 2020; Thiago is now a Ph.D. student at the U. of Edinburgh)
  • Francisco Maion (M.Sc.: 2020; Francisco is finishing his Ph.D. at DPIC, Spain, and will start a post-doc at the Max Planck Institut in 2025)
  • Renan I. Boschetti (M.Sc.: 2020; Renan was a Ph.D. student at the University of Aix-Marseille, France, and is now a post-doc at the University of Zurich)
  • Carolina Queiroz de Abreu e Silva (Ph.D.: 2020; Carolina was a post-doc at UFRGS and is now a post-doc at USP)
  • Rafael C. de Castro Lopes (Ph.D.: 2018; Rafael is an Associate Professor at the Federal Technical Institute in Sao Luiz, Brazil)
  • Arthur Loureiro (M.Sc.: 2015; Arthur did his Ph.D. at UCL, in England, was a post-doc at Imperial College and U. of Edinburgh, and is now a Research Associate at the Oscar Klein Center in Stockholm, Sweden) 
  • Lucas F. Secco (M.Sc.: 2015; Lucas did his Ph.D. at the U. of Pennsylvania, USA, and was a post-doc at the University of Chicago)
  • Paulo Henrique Flose Reimberg (Ph.D.: 2012; Paulo is now a staff at the Agence Nationale de Recherche, in France)
  • Henrique Scemes Xavier (Ph.D.: 2010; Henrique is now in the private sector)
  • Ronaldo Carlotto Batista (Ph.D.: 2009; Ronaldo is an Associate Professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil)
  • Elisa G. M. Ferreira (M.Sc.: 2009; Elisa did her Ph.D. at McGill University, Canada, was a post-doc at the Max Planck Institute in Garching, Germany, and is now a Research Associate at the Kavli IPMU in Tokyo, Japan)
  • Ivan Yasuda (Ph.D.: 2010)
  • Thiago dos Santos Pereira (Ph.D.: 2008; Thiago is now an Associate Professor at the University of Londrina, Brazil)
  • Rafael Ribeiro Brandão (M.Sc.: 2005; Rafael is a staff member at the brazilian federal patents office)


Former undergraduate students:
  • Nathalia Dutra Pires
  • Danilo Bissoli Apendino
  • Beatriz Tucci Schiewaldt
  • Ian L. Tashiro
  • João V. D. Ferri
  • Gabriela Sato-Polito
  • Caroline Guandalin
  • Pedro Bernardinelli
  • Igor Zenker
  • Paulo H. F. Reimberg
  • Henrique S. Xavier
  • Vinícius de Souza Fernandes
  • Henrique de Andrade Gomes
  • Márcio G. B. de Avellar