Post-doc in quasar cosmology with J-PAS and WEAVE-QSO at USP
An international consortium is inviting applications for three post-doctoral positions in cosmology and astrophysics (one in each of Paris, Marseille and Sao Paulo), to work on the exploitation and analysis of quasars at z>2. Successful applicants will join this consortium spanning France, Brazil, Italy and Spain. The consortium is supported by ANR and FAPESP and aims at exploiting the complementarity between two large astrophysical surveys of unprecedented quality to make breakthroughs in cosmology and galaxy formation. These surveys are J-PAS and WEAVE-QSO, both of which are in the process of starting survey operations lasting 5 years or more. Successful applicants will join an active wider community within these two surveys.
This position will be hosted at the University of Sao Paulo (USP) and is available immediately, for an initial appointment of 2+1 years. The starting date is negotiable, with a preference for the first half of 2023. The fellowship includes the possibility of extended periods to be spent at the European nodes of the surveys. The salaries are R$ 8.479,20 in Brazil and EUR 2,850 in Europe (both tax-free).
At USP, the post-doctoral researcher will work on multi-band target selection (template-based or using machine learning), cosmological analysis of large-scale structure, and the halo-galaxy connection. The researcher will work in close collaboration with Raul Abramo (USP), as well as with other members of J-PAS and WEAVE-QSO. In addition to J-PAS and WEAVE-QSO, the researcher will also be a member of the S-PLUS collaboration, which is conducting a large-area narrow-band survey in the Southern Hemisphere.
USP is the top university in Latin America, and is the main center for astrophysics and cosmology in Brazil. Both the Physics and the Astronomy Departments host research groups working on a wide range of topics such as cosmology, large-scale structure, advanced statistical methods, as well as galaxy evolution. There will be extensive opportunities for independent research and collaboration, including the option to supervise undergraduate as well as postgraduate students.
We are looking for applicants with experience in cosmology and/or extragalactic astrophysics. Applications are invited through filling the electronic form: . You should include a brief summary of previous research, a statement of research interests (4 pages max), as well as a CV with a list of publications. In addition, up to three letters of recommendation should be sent to . Applications will be reviewed starting on 5th of December, and the position will remain open until filled.